11 North Norton Ave.
Sylacauga, AL 35150


Opening Hours:
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
Our Response to COVID-19
Given the current pandemic, caring for patients has become challenging. In an effort to care for you as well as protect your health from the novel Corona virus, we have changed how we can meet your needs.
If you are an obstetric patient, we ask that you schedule your normal obstetric appointments on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. We are dedicating these times for healthy patients only.
We will continue childhood immunizations for infants/toddlers on Wednesday mornings. If your little one is having any symptoms, we ask that you cancel this appointment and schedule a sick visit.
As recommended by the Alabama Public Health Department, insurance and numerous medical associations, adult wellness visits are not being performed. The only exception is for DOT physicals, which we will schedule for Tuesday afternoon/ Wednesday morning.
If you are sick, you have several options available: We will be happy to see you in clinic while some illnesses/complaints can be addressed via telemedicine (see below)
For medication refill appointments, including ADD/ADHD appointments, we are utilizing telemedicine. Currently, we are using Doxy.me for telemedicine. This allows us to have a secure voice or video conference with you. All you need is a smart phone, tablet, or laptop with internet access. No additional software or apps are necessary. We will text or email you a link, whichever you prefer. Just prior to your appointment time, you click the link, enter your name and we get a notification that you are in the virtual waiting room to be seen.
For ALL patients, if you are coming by the clinic, we ask that you call when you are in the parking lot then wait for us to call you back and escort you into the clinic. We also ask that you be patient and respectful of others. These are trying times with an excess of concern and anxiety. We want to care for you AND protect our health so that we are available for you.
As with everything COVID-19 related, things change daily. If you have any questions, please call our office